Behavioural Advice

Unsure of what’s going on inside your cat’s head? Feline behaviour can be complex, with various underlying causes.

Medical vs Behavioural

Many cat behaviours stem from underlying medical issues. Cats are naturally stoic and tend to hide signs of illness because showing weakness in the wild makes them vulnerable. Instead, their ‘symptoms’ often present as inappropriate litter box use (urinating or defecating elsewhere), frequent vomiting, or increased aggression and irritability. To pet owners, these signs can easily be mistaken for behavioural problems. For example, urinating outside the litter box may be caused by a urinary tract infection, which is often easily treated with a prescription antibiotic from your vet.

A true behavioral issue can only be diagnosed once all essential medical tests have been performed and no abnormalities are found. Only then can we consider environmental factors, which might be something in the household causing stress or distress for your cat.

My Vet is So Expensive!

Veterinary diagnostics are the only way to rule out medical problems. A vet cannot simply look at or examine a cat and determine whether the issue is medical or behavioural—testing is essential.

If your cat is acting out of the ordinary, it is crucial to see your vet for a urinalysis and bloodwork to rule out any underlying health concerns. Behaviours caused by medical issues can only be corrected with proper treatment. Any attempts to resolve these behaviours without addressing the medical cause will be ineffective, wasting your time, money, and patience; and it also puts your cat’s health at risk.

I’m at My Wits End!

So your cat has just peed on your sofa again, or kept you up howling at night, or bullied your other cat , which has pushed your frustration to its limit. This is often the moment when people finally break down and ask for help.

Unfortunately, it’s also when emotions run high, and advice is not always well received. In everyone’s best interest, it’s helpful to take a step back, pause for a day or two to regroup, and then seek guidance with a clearer mindset.

I’ve Tried Everything!

Cats are far more complex than many people realize, but understanding how they think and react is key to resolving behavioural issues. There is rarely a one-size-fits-all solution because each cat responds differently, and what works for many may not work for yours. Sometimes, it takes trial and error to find the right approach.

There’s no single magic fix. Often, we have to think outside the box (no pun intended) when dealing with persistent litter box issues. We can’t force a cat to do what we want; instead, we must work with their natural behaviours and shape them into something that fits our household.

Behavioural Form

Whatever the issue may be, please take the time to fill out the form as thoroughly as possible, including timelines whenever you can. The more detailed information you provide, the better we can understand the situation, and the more effectively we can help.